Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 In the jungle the lion was always respected and glorified for its strength.Whenever the lion gave a command,it was to be followed with no question at all,not even the fastest leopard would or the biggest elephant would resist his reign.

There rose a problem,drought came and everything was cleared living a bare land,it was left for every animal to fight for its life,it was a matter of feast for survival,the herbivorous animal were at risk of extinction.The situation was fatal,in a rate where even the animals that fed on plants,had to eat flesh for survival.

One day the antelope was walking in the bare jungle,searching for food for its young ones,having walked for a long distance,it was extremely exhausted and hungry.At this instance it was clear that if it could not find anything to eat,it would definitely die.At a distance from where he stood,the king of the jungle,the lion,was lying below a tree,due to thirst for water,from the look of it,he was dying.When the antelope saw him,although he was hungry and exhausted,he was eager to help in any way.

The lion could not even move an inch.Both the animals were dying,and so the lion being the king of the jungle,gave the antelope an order,to kill him!!This frightened the antelope so much.The lion asked him,"can you do anything for the survival of your youngones?" "yes I can!"the antelope replied."then kill me and feed my flesh to your youngones."

The antelope killed the king of the jungle,and fed his young ones flesh,it was not what they were used to eating,but it was better to keep them alive.


"an antelope kills a lion!" it may seem like an achievement for the antelope,but we all know it sacrifice!


The story is a reflection of our day to day life...


 Trust is a proverb that we misuse in our composition about our life.It is a proverb that needs intervention from from experienced characters.characters that knows its background,its roots.Before you trust anyone with your heart,ask yourself,do they really deserve it?Most people  have failed in life just because they trusted the wrong people,but do we take time to know the people we trust?

Trust is jewel but also a weakness.The people you trust can either treasure it or use it as your weakness to put you down.You can't trust a monkey to look after your ripe bananas,you can't trust a murderer to keep your life safe.Some friends are like wolves in sheep skins,a murderer in pastor's collar.People are not hurt by their enemies but their friends.learn to put your trust where it deserves.Take your time before trusting anyone.TAKE CARE OF THE TREASURE!!



It is in the middle of a confused hour.I try to drive my attention away from too much thoughts causing my sleepless night due to imminent circumstances.At a distance through my window,am obsessed by this glowing star which differentiate itself from  every other source emitting light.In this star,I see hope,I see a dream come true.

But there is something coming,a cloud,it is almost covering my little star.As the light of the star fades away,I  see a dream shattered,I see hope lost.The clouds are dark and I notice the world is in tears.Am left in a dilemma that I can not explain.

Am still in a dillema cause I don't understand why is the world in tears.The moon's light is pipping through the clouds,hopingto regain its night freedom from the clouds.Effort bears no vain,but I see hope,I see hope coming from the east,I see hope showing me light, but the clouds still want to continue rulling.

when a lion roars even the mighty elephant runs for its life.This hope is signified by the sun,the clouds have no otherwise but give up,he lost.A new hope is born,A new dream is awaken,but without the clouds,I will never know that life is not


 A world full of fingers pointing at each other,is where I lived.If blame was a  spell,you can call us witches  and wizard.We are never proud of who we create in the process,The blood in our veins is darker than  the deserted underground gold mines.We  run from the  truth,but hide in the devils warehouse.Our success story has no difference from a misfit fairytale.We pretend to be happy,but behind our mask,is a wounded heart.We trusted in our own shields,unfortunately they were compromised by our inner self,to be the weapon that destroyed our lives.Getting back on our feet is a dream,hoping we help each other up.How can I trust the one who gave me bitter water when I was thirsty? How can I trust them whereas am still coughing out water from the last time you left me to drown.We lock our hearts when they approach to knock,the edge of our tongues are sharper than the guillotine's blade.We sharpened them with our own decisions.We bend the metal bars caging us from the freedom of acceptance.The irony of them all,is we turned dumb from the truth.Search for your better version,because we live in a fragile world.


 If you woke up and found the world moved on without you.

All your diaries are in ashes,and their memories of you,are not existing.
You try to cry,but your eyes are dry from tears.
Losing their life,by recovering yours,Is all they fear.
Living for a rhetoric dream,only for a roof to look up to.
Working on achieving a world of your own,but loneliness crashes all your walls.
The smile on your face, can't relate with tears like a waterfall,on their world.
Remain or move on.
Decide or take on.
Love or hate all.The road to your castle is the safest, cause no one dares to step a foot on their own shadows.
The past with you is a story they never narrate to their kids,cause to them,it doesn't exist.
You try rebuilding, but you can't build a dream without an extra hand.
You live in ruins,Your shadows haunt you,and all you wish for is for sunlight.
The fruits on your basket are rotten,cause you've filled yourself with unworthiness.
Look up and see the moon fading away,the sun is rising,all you need to do is accept your Own World.


 She smiled,she knew it was time to make friends, it was time to share what she held in her hands.

 She gave them oxygen, she gave them food.She gave them shelter.Her family was always against the move.She held hopes high,that the act was an unshakeable foundation of love.
She covered them with her canopies. Gave them a fresh drink from her overflowing rivers,honey from her families of bees.Little did she know they would become her predator,She would be the victim.
She hid them from bullets.
Years faded away and all she saw was betrayal, their selfishness.
 She regret ever giving them space,ever giving them shade.She gave them shelter but they wanted more.
Her feet covered in blood,they killed her family.
She batter traded her kindness but got betrayal.
Her family still protecting her.She is nature,she gave us food,she gave us water,she gave us shelter,In return we destroyed her.We destroyed her world.
We caged her hope and love with selfishness. Who will save her.Will it be her family in the wild or the few kind hearts from her selfish friends?
 She is weeping,She is wounded,She is bleeding.These are the tears of nature.


 Am all in an official suit,waiting for the hour to knock.It is your day. It is the day I will remind you how you broke my calabash of loneliness and put me in a castle of love.I will remind you of how I found you listening to my favourite music.I will remind you how I held on to you,when I thought you were crying. I will remind you,how you smiled when I asked for your number.You once told me our love is made of more than diamond it is unbreakable. I will remind you,when you said yes, and I was waiting for camera rolling,cause I thought it was all a movie.Our love is a product of something more than suffering and sacrifice. Today is that day,I will remind you all that is on our shadows,because all I wished for is your happiness. Delete all the messages I ever sent you,and set ablaze the gifts I ever offered you,cause they are all enfolded in past mistakes. Remind your mother I'll always remember her birthday. Create our dream in him,cause he got the chance to win your precious heart.You're a lottery that I lost. A jewel I misplaced,but you are my hidden treasure.


 Those shoulders had thorns, They blocked my end of the tunnel,crushed my eggs of hope. Am lost in the sea of regrets and eating from the devil's plate. Is my success just a fairy tale? Or a ship that never sails. All my flowers are fading away,I don't see the beauty of life. I held on to the last knot of the rope but they cut it with a knife. I see my tears cause they filled the sea. Holding on to a mask of fake happy life, Is the king of misfortunes. If their time flies then mine crawls.It is raining heavily,am standing below a tree and all  am hoping for is that lightning never strikes me.Splashes of dirty water on my trousers from the evil monsters. When this sun rise,or when will the moon light my world.Am caged in my shadows. I have a bleeding heart.


 Amid the lightning strikes  and I lost the key to my heart.Holding on to the wheels,driving on the road of shame.All I wish is for you to be my destination. I lost to disappointment but I never seized to love.I changed the locks,will you accept the keys to my heart,promising me you will never misplace it.Am gambling between you or death,please be my saviour.I want to be your light but don't mind about the shadows.Am not a mason but join me and let's build a future together.Your smiles are all I need to make my worst days into best moments.Am a missing  person,cause am lost in your love.Gone are the days of deception.At the helm of all this,is I love you. I want to be the reason why you will never know pain and never to cry.When you are down,I will join you on my knees and we will rise up together.I will call you my moon.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


  I am thirsty!

I fear holding on to a glass of water,because every glass I touch breaks.

When will the wind follow my lead?

When will the tides carry my worries?

My face is still covered in a mask of perfection, but behind it is a world of pain.

Behind the smiling teeth is a wounded tongue.

My heart bleeds, because,I fear showing my wounds.

Laughter is no longer music to my ears,blame is my current wake up call.

Who shall rescue me from the cages?

Cages I bent the bars with my own hands,and chains I attached myself to.

Am lost in the dark,wondering in the woods,looking for my way out but in vain,still ends up at the same spot.

Thirst might kill me,I drink my own blood,but am tired wearing this mask.

I am thirsty!


  I dreamed,but I never thought fulfilment was knocking at my door.

Her glow was penetrating through the windows of my heart.

My heart was dancing out of joy,she is the one! 

Every eye on the path showed her the way,little did they know it led to my palace.

Her smile always took my anger away.She was a piece of peace. 

Our time together honoured me with laughter,but a spice of insecurity. 

This always hit hard,I feared ever losing her,she was a pillar to heart. 

I feared she would find another Kingdom, I feared she would find more love and laughter in the eyes of another man.

But the storm hit me hard,They more I protected my heart from a heartbreak, the more cracks developed in our relationship. 

Who would help me repair it,she no longer cared.

She believed in what we had was true love,that I over protected only from the east,but the storm hit from the west.

My insecurities cost me precious gem. one that I will travel a billion miles but never find.

I was the cause of all my misfits and misfortunes. 

I was the cause of all my pain and tears. 

Without my source of happiness, I was  a walking dead! 

Darkness rules my palace,the source of light is a dream that I ruined.

Without the Queen, music is no longer sweet.

My life is now a ruin,I wish she would come back, and spice up my life.

She is a memories never lost!


 You beside my heart,Call it a dream come true!

The birds sang earlier than any other day,What was in store was much more than a better day.

Stars were fading away,the sun was peeping through the clouds,I wish I knew what they were planing,but it couldn't have made a difference.

With a single breathe in, my heart was fully charged ready for a spark,that could light my day in my darkest hour,a prayer.

On that day, every noise turned into music,and I became a dancer,the roads became my theatre.

I blinked once,and a smile hit my eyes.

Black is beautiful they would say, from her forehead that was reflecting the suns beautiful rays,call it, the sun kissed!

Her body shape, was a lesson I missed in the maths class, I had no name for it.

I wished that morning would never end!

The smile from this angel,made my day better.

That day became a memory,but a memory I live to cherish! 

She became my lucky charm!!  


John Omido,a victim of police brutality during the ongoing peaceful protest. In recent times, Kenya has witnessed a surge in protests, with ...