Sunday, February 19, 2023



Photo courtesy : zander worldwide studios

Conservation is an important aspect of Kenya's economy, as it is home to some of the most incredible wildlife in the world. However, the issue of conservation in Kenya is fraught with hypocrisy and double standards that threaten to undermine the very goals it is supposed to achieve.

On one hand, the Kenyan government has created many national parks and game reserves, including the famous Maasai Mara, to protect the country's wildlife. The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) is tasked with ensuring that these areas are protected, and that poaching and illegal hunting are prevented.

However, there are many instances where the government and the KWS turn a blind eye to conservation efforts, and even contribute to the degradation of the environment. For instance, some of the most significant deforestation in Kenya has occurred as a result of the government allocating forest land to large-scale commercial projects such as the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway, as well as logging by Chinese companies. Additionally, some of the country's most critical water sources have been polluted or destroyed by industrial activity.

There is also an issue with the hunting of wildlife, which is a highly lucrative business in Kenya. While poaching is illegal and highly regulated, wealthy individuals and foreigners are often given special permits to hunt for sport, even in protected areas. In 2018, a German hunter named Rainer Schorr was granted a permit to hunt a male lion in a wildlife conservancy in northern Kenya. The lion was shot and killed, sparking outrage among conservationists and the public.

In addition to hunting, there are also concerns about the impact of wealthy individuals and foreigners on conservation efforts in Kenya. Many are involved in activities such as wildlife trafficking and poaching, which pose a serious threat to endangered species.

Overall, it is clear that the issue of special permits for sport hunting in Kenya is a complex and controversial one, with many differing viewpoints and opinions. However, it is important to consider the impact of these practices on the environment and the animals that call it home.

 The revenue generated from these hunts is supposed to go towards conservation efforts, but there are many cases where this money has been misappropriated.

Furthermore, conservation efforts are often geared towards tourist dollars rather than actually protecting the environment. Many people involved in the conservation industry in Kenya are more interested in profits than in preserving nature. For example, some animal sanctuaries and rehabilitation centers have been accused of keeping animals in substandard conditions in order to attract visitors and generate revenue. The Nairobi Animal Orphanage, which has faced criticism over the years for keeping animals in small, cramped enclosures and providing inadequate veterinary care. In 2017, an investigation by The Star newspaper revealed that animals at the orphanage were being kept in poor conditions, with some confined to cages that were too small for them.

Another example is the Giraffe Centre in Nairobi, which has been accused of keeping its giraffes in small enclosures and denying them access to natural habitat. In 2018, the center was criticized by animal welfare organizations for keeping its giraffes in pens that were too small and failing to provide them with proper medical care.

In both cases, the facilities have defended their practices, but the allegations have raised concerns about the treatment of animals in sanctuaries and rehabilitation centers in Kenya. It is important for these facilities to prioritize the well-being of the animals in their care, rather than putting profits or visitor experiences first.

Despite these challenges, there are many individuals and organizations in Kenya who are committed to true conservation and are working hard to protect the country's wildlife and natural resources. The success of such efforts depends on a shift in priorities, where the needs of the environment take precedence over commercial interests.

In conclusion, conservation in Kenya is a complex issue, with many competing interests and challenges. While there are certainly instances of hypocrisy and double standards, there are also many individuals and organizations who are working hard to protect the country's wildlife and natural resources. It is important for everyone to be aware of these issues and to support true conservation efforts.

Written by Alexander kiruga alias Alexander's MindKE

TWITTER : @prof_Alexander's mindke

INSTAGRAM : @alexander_mind

FACEBOOK : Alexander's mindke

Contact details : +254 745 305656

Tuesday, January 10, 2023



Everytime a rock falls,all that rings in our thoughts is the mountains are rolling down on us.How many times have I fooled myself,with the fact that I can do it on my own,actually I did,and had even extra space for everyone. I know I may sound insane,but I’ve had myself to lean on to,am sure you wondering how did I do that,a hug can do yes,but I need myself to believe in self before anyone does,and it isn’t easy actually,especially when you have a whole bunch of good deeds to offer to everyone. A prayer before anything,and the rest is just a process that takes self-respect as an antidote for peace of mind. We all work hard to get our lives to certain point,an ambition,a dream,a goal,unfortunately for some our journey’s end isn’t at the peak but I believe it’s  a lesson for some us not to repeat the same mistake to get to the peak of our highest mountains.

When you have yourself to worry about and even lean on,you have a lot to loose,the respect others would call it,but my view is you loose self-discipline. You believe in yourself more that even every life you help change,helps you change yours. How many times have felt like not getting out of bed,keep my phone off,eat not,in short,felt like doing nothing at all. When those calls come in,you just take a minute to get that fake smile settled on your face for the following conversation, All you will need to say,”all will be well!” words you’ve lived by,and you say it to everyone in return you get the inspiration they receive but in a reciprocated way.

On this wrecking day,In the house,pulled more hair from my head,and my floor is more hairy than your favourite barbershop,the water taste bitter,the food taste soar,the music sounds weird and the sleep seems impossible, for hours I try to distract my thoughts into Hollywood movies,actually some anime, a favourite one did; Boondocks, but an episode doesn’t run half-way before boredom gets the better part of my feelings,and I pause it,with no sleep or music I have myself to talk to,others may call it insane,but a favorite musician would quote as ‘thinking out loud’ and wishes are if I was just dreaming and reality kicks it with how hot the sun is,you can tell from the shirtless chest and sweating forehead,and am still in my own hand-made cage,or in lameman’s tongue,in my house,so it won’t change anything if I go out,it will only make it worse. I comfort myself with several cups of hot coffee,I couldn’t feel the heat anymore as far as my mind gets busy wondering why it was so sweet. I share my thoughts and feelings to my cup,and we both laugh it loud. Several hours has passed and no calls,I guess if you don’t call they won’t call,how desparate can a human get to waste time in a war of self-respect,and I just laugh it out more. I actually am not okay,and this call comes in;and the response I have is the same old song I sing everyday,Am good and smile,but my head is spinning in thoughts,pain ravaging my mind in deceptive reality,and I remind myself I still have myself to lean on to,and for others to lean on to remember.

I taught myself to trust my issues with myself growing up,when a shield turned into sharp arrows that pierced through a desperate heart. It wasn’t late to turn away and pick up the pieces and build a strong wall characterized by what the world would thing talking too much,but it has always been a tactic to make them think they know everything but they only know what I allow them to. It has taken years to even date again,cause how do I let in anyone while I have locked myself out too and misplaced the keys. It is a world full of misfortunes and there is no time or space for a weak man. So years I have collected the stones that came my way and build the walls more taller,and now no man can reach to my other side of reality,and as it is the norm, drink the bitter water,eat the soar food,listen to the weird music and fake the midnight sleep.and before all that,spice it with a prayer,and the cycle becomes the story of the lonely  ,or what the world would say; ‘Self-made Mad man’

Tuesday, November 22, 2022



Why would silence be compared to pride? Silence has always been a defensive weapon,It has always been a source of peace of mind when the noises matches in rumbles in a quest to make your world a living hell,as they turn your simple smiles into a fantasy. Words can not explain how innocent you were,but since you stood on your grounds,they crowned your name with ‘ proud you ‘  Now let’s try breaking this reality into something far from a lie.

Ever wondered why sleeping turned into a luxury and joy into what the world would phrase into,’myth’ Their questions only rotates with the wind blowing their way,and the rest is upto an innocent heart to pleed guilty for the sake of peace of mind. How can you even live with self-guilt,one that eats up your confidence,and feeds it with your fears. How can you ever afford to even fake a smile,and because you can not,and your life has turned into a caged world of experience,which you lost the key while swimming in your ocean of doubt. Reality hits again,and before you realize deception turns word coming out of your mouth into a mask of perfection, perfect life, perfect job, perfect food,  perfect relationship and I  believe this triggers a doubtful laugh,cause you don’t believe anything in your circled existence is a possibility of perfection.

Your Late nights have repeled every bit of peace of mind, as even the early morning bird’s song pierce your ears with noise, music becomes a one-time melody, and the second time it turns into a floor cemented with broken glasses and you are walking barefoot, and because you can not hurt yourself,you remain stagnant ,and into what; self-guilt. In an excuse that your eyes are irritated by the light, you find a reason to stay in the dark, and now ‘ light at the end of the tunnel ‘ becomes just a fairytale, like the ‘ The one-eye orge, The clever hare ‘ only because your cocoon is submerged in guilt, and no one can break you free apart from yourself. Who knows, maybe some fairytale can come to life; the tortoise might win a real race,baby-steps leads to extra-ordinary wins they never say this.

When the rains come, we just celebrate, no more drought, but there are others who see it as their downfall,whereas we both have experienced the harshness when it did not rain. My point is, there is always a choice to choose from,to win or to loose,to laugh or to cry,to love or to hate, to give or to take, and the decision  is always our to make,every reality, every fantasy, every farytale, and every experience always have a two-way lane on the drawing book, but we make our choices not from what favours us, but what favors others into believing it favors us. We are so much into pleasing others that we forget we even exist,and that’s where we all go wrong, we become victim of our own floods. When reality hits, it is too late to change our past; and this is also where we go wrong, and we just can’t blame others for our failures, as the same way we can’t blame them for our success. We are  caged in bars we bend with our own hands.

The world is ours to rule,the joy is our to enjoy, the wins are ours to experience, and my hope is we become men of our own words, and that means leaving myself not out of it.

Sunday, August 21, 2022


The glass of wine ,still full and now my desire to obey my thirst ,is killing my nerval  patience ,wondering whether or not it would be worth it , atleast for an hour ,or maybe a day out of my own sane way. Now all that my passion to stand ,breathe and maybe laugh, is cornered by the reality of life. I’ve been in my thoughts for an hour ,or more ,but it is becoming a way of life. I remember how my teacher used to tell me ,how important it is to use my creative thinking ,and later get home and my mum unique high end commanding voices echoed me to use my common sense. Now the common sense and the creative thinking have brought in a friend ,critical thinking ,and filled my mind with nothing but overthinking. They explained and ordered me to be that ,but it’s overwhelming my ability to be me ,to atleast laugh ,maybe smile ,even like a blink of an eye.

All this time I am sitted in the sitting room ,enjoying silent music ,and dancing to the rhythm of my heartbeat ,though not really dancing ,cause my mind is racing ,I guess the heartbeat is nothing not far from a workout song. Workout?  Yes, to get rid of all the unwanted facts of life ,casting all that the heart has been holding on to. Done with the metaphors and riddles ,I’ve been going through my diary ,Yes I have one ,and I write what’s in my mind ,weird I guess ,to find a man doing that from my kind of upbringing ,they say most men who notes their daily life on diaries might be serial killers ,fortunately I am not one ,not even associated with one ,which maybe I might have killed someone else dream in the long-run.

On this dated day ,My alleged girlfriend wakes me up in the middle of the midnight ,her voice so harsh ,and her tone so loud and sounds angry ,she is breathing heavily ,I think she can fire an air balloon ,cause my phone is overheating too. A message pops before she had called ,but before I could even open ,the phone rang ,for the past 5 minute she’s been mentioning only one statement, “ how could you? “ You’re wondering to what really was wrong ,me too ,cause the three-sentenced chorus is becoming more boring. I gathered my courage and asked, “ What have I done?” “Stop pretending you don’t know what you’ve done” could I be mad ,to even listen to lectures, but am hoping she’s just hungry, ‘A hungry man is an angry man.

As I can’t take the lectures ,I decide to keep my sanity busy ,am on to  checking the messages on my messenger ,see who’ve been missing my craziness ,And I can’t help to open the message from her ,and I see a photo ,of me actually never thought I was a cute guy on cameras ,I thought for a minute how my life would be magical ,being a model ,the good lifestyle ,the money ,the fame ,but the fame is where my pride draws the line ,Am an introvert ,thought you should know ,but they mention it always, never say never ,but that’s a dream for my next reincarnation I guess. This company should pay me ,am advertising their product already. I know you’re wondering what the photo is all about!

So this beautiful lady is helping me take a cake bite ,She is beautiful by the way ,I’ve always mentioned that to her ,but probably she turned a deaf ear to that amazing fact. I have a very weird flirting technique ,one I have developed with time ,thanks to her . What’s wrong with the photo? Why is my girlfriend making it a big deal? I refresh my mind to her call.” What’s wrong with the photo? I don’t see the wrong deal with my closest cousin giving me a cake ,infact I invited you to my parents anniversary ,and you bailed on me ,so what’s the point of complaining? “ She slowed her breathing, “ You could have told me ,atleast I wouldn’t have gotten that annoyed for no good reason, I didn’t know she was your cousin,” “ How many times have I invited you for my family gatherings ,and always you claim ,it will appear weird, these are the kind of issues I tend to avoid ,am an introvert out there ,but near my family ,am someone else ,learn that and have a goodnight! “

Immediately I hanged up ,the phone ,thoughts were still ravaging in my mind ,but for a minute ,I had a sign of relief. Why does she has to have all these insecurities ,whereas I have shown her all that she needs to know to believe I adore her? It’s high time I call this relationship off ,am done being the one  mending the cracked walls of our castle ,whereas she is the one causing them. I picked the phone and called her ,it is as if she was expecting my call,” We are done!” and I hang up. She tried calling me for hours I estimate ,even texting me ,but she preferred calling ,cause she understood better how I suck at texting ,unless am writing a letter.

I close the diary and am just wondering ,could I have been the reason for all my breakups? She was just securing her relationship ,making sure it was intact. Rather than  relationship ,how many friendships have I ruined in the name of setting ‘boundaries’ Am truly a total disaster whenever I go ,whatever I touch ,I really don’t deserve to be among people, I am just a burden to everyone around me. It was high time I acknowledge that and think of a way to mend it ,and the only solution is get out of the picture for good ,in a lame-man’s language, commit suicide ,but before I think of an idea of how to go about it ,I have to make sure no one is at home, wait, My sister has been in the bathroom for the last two hours or more. I believe that is very unusual of her ,she is in and out of the bathroom within the first five minutes ,she does not apply make up,she is definitely a natural beauty. I head to the door and knock while calling her name out ,but she was not answering ,and that  really worried me.

I hit the door wide open ,and all that welcomed me was a pool of blood all over the floor ,which in turn mixed with the shower water ,my sister was lying on the floor ,weak ,she couldn’t even talk ,leave alone move a finger. What knowledge of first aid did I have to even wrap a mere cut ,leave alone such a big deal of an accident ,but I wasn’t sure if it was really an accident. Who would I  even call ,cause the last time I checked ,I had sabotaged all my communication devices cutting all ties with everyone except my family ,though I was sure they had noticed my sudden change of character ,been avoiding everyone ,and am not sure if anyone was willing to help someone who for the past couple of days been avoiding them ,but I had no otherwise but to call my alleged bestfriend ,who happened to be my neighbor too . You are wondering why I couldn’t call my mother ,but here is the deal ,on the bathroom floor ,is my sister and on her wrist is a deep-cut wound ,one that was intentionally done by her ,so why would I call a single mother and tell her that her only daughter tried to commit suicide ,though am not sure if she will survive as I wait for my bestfriend ,her pulse is fading and is keeping me worried. I hope she survives ,cause I couldn’t tell what came into her mind to do something like that ,but I can’t blame her ,I was about to do the same thing ,Her situation saved me.

The paramedics were already at our house ,and they were doing their best to make sure she survives. In a fifteen minutes we were already in hospital ,she was now struggling to survive. Questions were just spinning in my head ,why would she do that? She’s very young to be stressed ,I would have thought ,but now I understand it well that ,we all have experience a mental breakdown ,no matter the age ,but I couldn’t now imagine ,if I had not realized earlier ,and if I had taken my final race ,the pain that my mother would endure ,loosing her only two children ,for what ,just because I couldn’t trust anyone to share my problems with? She had been taking night and day shifts just to make sure we stayed in school ,and we never lacked any. I am just a victim of my own pride.

My mother was shouting all over the hospital ,I could hear her from the rooftop where I had gone to get some fresh air ,and try understand the nature of the days scenario . What if I did what I had planned to do? How do I even approach my mother and tell her what’s going on with me ,is it because I fear she might just loudly  wonder what worries me ,whereas she is always providing everything we needed ? The truth rested on that fact though ,her voice was becoming more uneasy already. I am used to my mother exaggerating things ,I knew for sure she would not give the doctors an easy time ,now that her young and only daughter was struggling to live ,but I wouldn’t put it that way ,she was doing her best not to survive. I decided to go downstairs and try sooth my mother down. “  Mom! Please stop ,she’s going to be okay ,the doctors have assured me of that!” I exclaimed “ Are you even listening to yourself ,where have you been in the last twenty minutes?” She cried out, “ rooftop ,cooling my head a bit, why?” I emphasized, “Your sister is dead…”




Thursday, June 9, 2022


 On my last article,we decided on not blaming the government for all the wrinkles,if they are too,we should remind ourselves,we voted them to power. " There is more power in the people than the people in power." Exclaims, Fionah Mburu,founder Greener communities. It is true,we have the power to vote in leaders,stop projects affecting us,but we have let them feed us with fear,and this should stop. 

Every project flagged off by the government has both positive and negative effects,but when the latter takes charge,a solution entitled changes to nothing not far from a future national calamity,but we are yet to experience any first-hand,the reason why I think ignorance runs our bloodflow. Waste disposal has been an issue in Nairobi and its outskirts,and I agree we all wanted a solution,but should a present solution feed a future disaster ? The answer should be NO! but what do we do for it to make an impact,acting to making its word count out there. 

The new sewer-line pipes
The new sewerline system will solve most of  our waste management problem,but did you all know that the bigger part of the line passes adjacent to running rivers? If you didn't,then instill the fact in your head. Who decides on some projects,who signs the papers? cause as far as I know,that shouldn't ever take place,but the most unfortunate part is,it already did,on a report posted by National Environment Management Authority ( NEMA) was concluded with filled questionaires,and one Mr Edward Muriuki gave the relevant observation,but the body turn ignorant cause the project still went on. That speaks volumes,that our voices don't sometimes matter,but I would echo,that the problem is us,no one else,just us. Telling the engineer and the contractor to find a Plan B,is never a big deal,but do we really play our part,asking questions? Relevant conservation bodies and human rights,your fight is not only on the economic world,but also,the right to clean environment,and with that I mean taking care of our environment.
Sewer spilling in a river

" It is always a big shame that many trees will have to be cut down,to pave way for the ambitious project just the same scenerio with SGR crossing wildlife territories." stated Dan Otieno,An Environment conservation enthuthiast. It is becoming an puzzle or a quest to spot a lion in the Nirobi national park,but we are yet to accept that fact. So what makes this sewer different? What pains me is that,I can do nothing now,it is already mounted,who was part of the so-stated public participation? cause,sorry to state,was illiterate,blind and foolish,how could they not see the future of the project is just problems.which I doubt they organised one,not even one person asked apart from Edward whose only observation was recorded on the report,to flower the destructive projects with deception. 

Joannah Stutchbury fighting for Kiambu Forest
Some indeginous trees at the Karura forest were cut down to pave way for the sewer line,if this is the path of the forest and nature follows,then Wangari Maathai's and the likes of Joannah Stutchbury's fight will be nothing but a fairytale to tell our kids and grandchildren. Our voices need to be heard,we need to speak out,we need to act,cause all I think the future holds is a fantasy. Let us all spit out the RHETORIC REALITY that has fed our hopes with fear and lies. 

A mapped section of the sewer-line passing adjacent to rivers

by Alexander Kiruga M 

Thursday, June 2, 2022


Who is to be blamed for not attaining the 10% forest cover we were to achieve by this 2022 ?

 It has always been a favourite song for conservationist ," road to recovering forest cover " but what is dragging all the efforts drawn towards this constructive goal. I believe you've been to a tree planting event or several,or maybe you've hosted one,but the question is still ringing in our minds with no one to answer but ourselves. Why are we not attaining our targeted reforestation? even though day in day out we are organising campaigns and events involving tree planting. 

A conservation enthuthiast planting trees

We've all been fighting for what we acknowledge as our forest ,our pride. Environmentalist joined in one accord to stop the National Parliament from deleting CLAUSE 34(2) in the 2016 ACT in the Conservation ammendment Bill 2021 . The ammendement would certainly weaken the KENYA FOREST SERVICE which is the body mandated to protect all public forest cover in Kenya. Such issues are what have resulted to us not attaining the targeted 10% forest cover by 2022 from 7.4%. They stated that this would be a door opening to allocate private ordains for development, a move that would be not far from a future calamity.

We are left with one problem to solve,not our politician,our organisations, government bodies but our own responsibility . My question is,in all the trees you plant who follows up on their growth progress,depending on our current kind of climate which is unpredictable,actually is a problem due to afforestion,though this is a topic for another day. We plant,pray and leave them under the able hands of the Almighty,funny indeed how we celebrate covering a large part of the country by organising the tree planting campaigns all over,but never take our time to rearrange our ideas of refforestation as not how far you can plant but how long can you witness growth of a goal. 

On the 11th December 2021, I personally took part in forest reclaiming activity,ie, Kiambu Forest in honor of slain conservation heroin Joannah Stutchbury, Who died protecting the forest,having been shot at the entrance of the forest. The Cabinet secretary of Environment and Forestry Hon.Keriako Tobiko,was the chief guest and promised to help reclaim the grabbed part of the forest and plant trees all over, over 100 trees were planted that day. On 28th May 2022, I revisited the place,and even carried along friends with the urge to enjoy the view of growth of the planted trees,to my surprise and dissapointment,all the trees dried up,and the land is back nothing much but a maize plantation. I am glad I am even safe,cause very ferosious dogs were unchained to keep us out of the place immediately they realised we were around. 

A view of THE FOREST in Kiriita

The problem is always us,when we accept to do follow-ups,we will go miles in terms of reafforestation. Remember,forests protect our water towers,they prevent soil erosion and landslides, not forgetting they provide shade and also are source of fruits and home for our wildlife,one way we can also eradicate human-wildlife conflict,and also some are a tourist destination,like THE FOREST in Kiriita . I never leave the famous heroin Wangari Maathai's words , " Nature will destroy you before you destroy it." 

by Alexander Kiruga .M 

Friday, October 15, 2021




Contaminated water is a major threat among communities throughout Africa. Every hour, an estimated 115 people die in Africa from diseases linked to improper hygiene, poor sanitation, and contaminated water, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).

What causes Water pollution in Africa?

How can we end water pollution?

Mining being an economic activity, in most African countries, demonstrates a ransom of challenges; Salt and mineral content from mining is often found in large amounts in the continent’s water which has a direct effect on the water’s pH levels. Companies involved in mining have often been criticized but to a deaf ear. Deforestation is another cause, it affects wildlife, climate change, and the climate as a whole. It also causes soil erosion, forcing more soil into water bodies, rivers and lakes, and this has a negative impact on humans, plants and animals who rely on these water sources, that end up  consuming water that is unfit for drinking.

 The use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, causes draining of these chemicals into the water bodies especially when it rains, leading to eutrophication, further contributing to water contamination on our water bodies.

 Many families have to walk for miles to access clean drinking water. Younger girls often have to drop out of school and miss out on getting an education to help their families, as seen in most Northern part of Kenya. Water scarcity, which has been brought about my climate change, deforestation, a cause of water pollution, is becoming now a disaster for the future generation.

The fact that NGOs have been joining hands to help clean up some rivers, is a sign that maintain clean environment is each and everyone’s responsibility. Remember water pollution can cause, poisoning and mortality, diseases such as cholera are spread through water contamination.  Now we are not just preventing pollution of rivers, it has already happened, it is time to treat this disease. The main responsibility of the government in this fight is providing resources used for clean up ,not forgetting that the setting up water treatment areas is a high score for this fight. Article 42 of the new constitution, which states: Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment.

Wining this fight is everyone’s goal, a fight that Legendary Prof Wangari Mathai flagged off, A fight that Dr Paula Kahumbu took over, A fight that young people took over, like Fionah Njeri, Miss Environment Africa Nazarene University and the young 11year old  Ellyanne who has managed to plant more 1million trees.

It is our fight, It will be our win, I t will be our celebration.



+254 745 305656 /  +254 794 642755



John Omido,a victim of police brutality during the ongoing peaceful protest. In recent times, Kenya has witnessed a surge in protests, with ...