Friday, October 15, 2021




Contaminated water is a major threat among communities throughout Africa. Every hour, an estimated 115 people die in Africa from diseases linked to improper hygiene, poor sanitation, and contaminated water, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).

What causes Water pollution in Africa?

How can we end water pollution?

Mining being an economic activity, in most African countries, demonstrates a ransom of challenges; Salt and mineral content from mining is often found in large amounts in the continent’s water which has a direct effect on the water’s pH levels. Companies involved in mining have often been criticized but to a deaf ear. Deforestation is another cause, it affects wildlife, climate change, and the climate as a whole. It also causes soil erosion, forcing more soil into water bodies, rivers and lakes, and this has a negative impact on humans, plants and animals who rely on these water sources, that end up  consuming water that is unfit for drinking.

 The use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, causes draining of these chemicals into the water bodies especially when it rains, leading to eutrophication, further contributing to water contamination on our water bodies.

 Many families have to walk for miles to access clean drinking water. Younger girls often have to drop out of school and miss out on getting an education to help their families, as seen in most Northern part of Kenya. Water scarcity, which has been brought about my climate change, deforestation, a cause of water pollution, is becoming now a disaster for the future generation.

The fact that NGOs have been joining hands to help clean up some rivers, is a sign that maintain clean environment is each and everyone’s responsibility. Remember water pollution can cause, poisoning and mortality, diseases such as cholera are spread through water contamination.  Now we are not just preventing pollution of rivers, it has already happened, it is time to treat this disease. The main responsibility of the government in this fight is providing resources used for clean up ,not forgetting that the setting up water treatment areas is a high score for this fight. Article 42 of the new constitution, which states: Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment.

Wining this fight is everyone’s goal, a fight that Legendary Prof Wangari Mathai flagged off, A fight that Dr Paula Kahumbu took over, A fight that young people took over, like Fionah Njeri, Miss Environment Africa Nazarene University and the young 11year old  Ellyanne who has managed to plant more 1million trees.

It is our fight, It will be our win, I t will be our celebration.



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Sunday, September 19, 2021


 Hiding behind a bold face,is a pale heart.

The leaves grow weary,and so does hope. Behind the walls, lust and hate ventures. The glowing rays of winning fading away. Light to dark is the current lifestyle. Across the streets,call them the walking dead. Innocent faces, but guilty souls. The hands are like the chameleon on a leaf. His fate is pinned to the mystery under his mask.  The letters sealed with his blood. His story will just be a fable told to the richkids,to make them sleep. His past is an open book,and a bitter truth to feed his future. He writes to keep his smile alive,but his pen is now out of ink. When you see his pale face,don't fear him, he is living his true life.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 She hopes to be understood by her own. But in return she receives a blow fist.Her world turned to dark,she only hopes that the moon will light her path. Her heart races for survival, her Mind caged in thoughts of suicidal,but a barrel of future dreams holds her head high.She  turned deaf to all the music from her rear life. She fences her heart with hopes of healing the world,she thirst for a gratitude,and hunger for love. The spots on her face reminds her of the hope she never lost.She trips and on the path where she lifts her relief. The African woman holds it High.She remains to be the African torch! 

Friday, April 30, 2021


 Behind the door stood a pot,the flowers on the pot were shedding the petals. Why is everything changing? A confused heart would ask.The favourite music, turned into something worse than a lamentation.They seed grew,who watered it with anger?The shoulders I leaned on, had thorns. I have a heart which bleed and never heals.I have a tongue which reads and never lead.The world around me is growing thinner and weaker. Life is turning to an ultimate challenge,a puzzle,that only the strong can solve.Behind the walls,is a city made of blades. A reminder, Our hearts are made of  rock.

Thursday, April 29, 2021


 How I wish everyday is a dream, a dream that never comes true.The hunting dogs are hunting me,the haunting demons are haunting me,and the world's thomas are doubting me.The birds grew tired of singing the sweet memories ,and the crickets are no longer holding their midnight meetings. The woods around me are growing thicker, and the lights fading away.Am drowning in loneliness and suffocating from the bitter reality.Am holding on to a dry leaf, feeding on a poisonous stem, and trusting the rotten roots.On my back is a  load of desires of a dreaming man.Am wrapped in shallow hopes,but my Mind caged in the desires of the heart.They switched off, all the lights and broke all the bridges,Am left wondering around, thirsty and weary. The wild is my home,and alone is my family, I give in! 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 In the jungle the lion was always respected and glorified for its strength.Whenever the lion gave a command,it was to be followed with no question at all,not even the fastest leopard would or the biggest elephant would resist his reign.

There rose a problem,drought came and everything was cleared living a bare land,it was left for every animal to fight for its life,it was a matter of feast for survival,the herbivorous animal were at risk of extinction.The situation was fatal,in a rate where even the animals that fed on plants,had to eat flesh for survival.

One day the antelope was walking in the bare jungle,searching for food for its young ones,having walked for a long distance,it was extremely exhausted and hungry.At this instance it was clear that if it could not find anything to eat,it would definitely die.At a distance from where he stood,the king of the jungle,the lion,was lying below a tree,due to thirst for water,from the look of it,he was dying.When the antelope saw him,although he was hungry and exhausted,he was eager to help in any way.

The lion could not even move an inch.Both the animals were dying,and so the lion being the king of the jungle,gave the antelope an order,to kill him!!This frightened the antelope so much.The lion asked him,"can you do anything for the survival of your youngones?" "yes I can!"the antelope replied."then kill me and feed my flesh to your youngones."

The antelope killed the king of the jungle,and fed his young ones flesh,it was not what they were used to eating,but it was better to keep them alive.


"an antelope kills a lion!" it may seem like an achievement for the antelope,but we all know it sacrifice!


The story is a reflection of our day to day life...


 Trust is a proverb that we misuse in our composition about our life.It is a proverb that needs intervention from from experienced characters.characters that knows its background,its roots.Before you trust anyone with your heart,ask yourself,do they really deserve it?Most people  have failed in life just because they trusted the wrong people,but do we take time to know the people we trust?

Trust is jewel but also a weakness.The people you trust can either treasure it or use it as your weakness to put you down.You can't trust a monkey to look after your ripe bananas,you can't trust a murderer to keep your life safe.Some friends are like wolves in sheep skins,a murderer in pastor's collar.People are not hurt by their enemies but their friends.learn to put your trust where it deserves.Take your time before trusting anyone.TAKE CARE OF THE TREASURE!!


John Omido,a victim of police brutality during the ongoing peaceful protest. In recent times, Kenya has witnessed a surge in protests, with ...