Thursday, March 30, 2023

KENYA'S TREE TROUBLES - " why exotic trees may hinder climate change efforts "

 Climate change is a serious issue that threatens the very existence of our planet. In Kenya, the impact of climate change is already being felt in many ways, including changes in weather patterns, reduced agricultural productivity, and increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters. To combat these challenges, there is growing interest in afforestation and reforestation projects, but there is one issue that is branching out - the use of exotic trees. 

Exotic trees like eucalyptus, pine, and cypress are often used in afforestation and reforestation projects because they grow quickly and are adaptable to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. However, these exotic trees can have negative effects on the ecosystem. For example, they may out-compete native species and disrupt natural habitats, leading to reduced biodiversity. They can also have high water demands like the eucalyptus, which can be a real problem in areas that are already struggling with water scarcity.

An illustration of types of trees

The negative effects of exotic trees on the environment have been well-documented. According to a study by the African Forest Forum, the use of exotic trees in Kenya has led to a reduction in the abundance and diversity of native tree species. The study also found that exotic trees can have negative effects on soil fertility and water availability, and can even contribute to desertification in some areas. I have been in kajiado a thousand times,while everyone is in the quest for water which is scarce in that semi-arid,acres of land have been filled with eucalyptus,tell me why the lands there won't continue drying up? the communities that rely on these ecosystems for their livelihoods are also impacted, the high water demands of some exotic trees can lead to reduced water availability for agricultural activities, which can have serious economic and social consequences for local communities.

So what can be done to address this issue? The answer lies in planting and caring for native tree species. Not only is this a way to improve local biodiversity and end desertification, but it also has numerous other benefits. For example, native tree species are often better adapted to local soil and climatic conditions, which means they are more resilient to the effects of climate change. They can also provide valuable ecosystem services, such as carbon detachment and soil conservation.

The good news is that communities can play an important role in these efforts. In many cases, afforestation and reforestation projects are community-led initiatives that involve the planting and care of native tree species. These projects not only provide environmental benefits but can also have social and economic benefits for local communities. i.e, they can create employment opportunities and provide a source of fuel-wood and other non-timber forest products.

Of course, there are challenges to planting trees in Kenya. These include finding suitable land for planting, securing funding, and getting local communities on board with the project. But with the right support and resources, these challenges can be overcome.

The use of exotic trees in afforestation and reforestation projects in Kenya is a serious issue that has negative impacts on the environment and local communities. By planting and caring for native tree species, we can improve local biodiversity, combat desertification, and provide numerous other benefits. And with the involvement of local communities, these efforts can be more successful and sustainable. So let's get planting and do our part to fight against climate change!

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Thursday, March 23, 2023


 Climate change is a pressing issue that has been affecting the whole world. Kenya, like many other countries, is experiencing the impacts of our own doing. The country is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including increased temperatures, droughts, floods, and unpredictable weather patterns. These challenges have had far-reaching consequences, including the loss of lives, destruction of property, and the disruption of economic activities.  climate change has also affected the agricultural sector, which is the backbone of the Kenyan economy. Farmers have been grappling with the effects of change in rainfall patterns, which have led to reduced crop yields and food insecurity.

children using a solar lamp to read

One of the most significant challenges in curbing climate change is the high cost of technology. Many Kenyans earn a minimum wage, and they may not afford expensive technologies to reduce their carbon footprint. Moreover, most of the population resides in rural areas, where they may not have access to reliable electricity, let alone advanced technology. However, there are still ways in which technology can be incorporated into everyday life to help reduce the effects of climate change in Kenya.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can help reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While solar panels and wind turbines may be expensive, there are more affordable options available. For instance, the use of solar lamps or lanterns can be a cheaper alternative to traditional lighting sources like kerosene lamps, which emit harmful fumes and contribute to carbon emissions. 

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), over 2.7 million households in Kenya use solar lighting, which has improved their quality of life while also reducing carbon emissions. The Kenyan government has been promoting renewable energy as part of its development agenda. In 2019, the government launched the Kenya National Electrification Strategy, which aims to provide universal access to electricity by 2022. The strategy emphasizes the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal, which are abundant in the country. Moreover, the government has also introduced tax incentives and subsidies for renewable energy companies to encourage investment in the sector. ( though questions are stagnate here on matters to with over-taxing solar importation)

Transportation is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Electric vehicles may seem like an unaffordable luxury, but there are other ways to reduce carbon emissions from transportation. For example, walking or cycling instead of using a car can be an effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also promoting a healthy lifestyle. Our public transportation, such as buses, emit fewer greenhouse gases per passenger than private cars. The Kenyan government is also working towards a cleaner transportation system, with plans to expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure and promote the use of electric vehicles.

Agriculture is a crucial sector in Kenya, and farmers face the challenges of climate change, such as droughts and unpredictable weather patterns. While high-tech solutions  may be out of reach for small-scale farmers, there are still ways to incorporate technology into farming practices. For instance, using organic fertilizers and crop rotation techniques can help increase crop yields while reducing the use of harmful chemicals. Also using water-efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation, can help conserve water while also reducing costs for farmers.

The Kenyan government has also been promoting sustainable agriculture practices. In 2019, the government launched the National Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy, which aims to increase food security, improve incomes for farmers, and promote sustainable land use. The strategy emphasizes the use of climate-resilient crops, sustainable farming practices, and the adoption of technologies such as weather forecasting and crop insurance.

Technology can be a valuable tool in mitigating the effects of climate change in Kenya, even for those who earn a minimum wage or live

if you feel you really want to support my art, MPESA BUY GOODS TILL NUMBER - 9751591 - Alexander kiruga MPESA NO - 0794642755 - Alexander kiruga

Thursday, March 16, 2023

ENDING CLIMATE WARS : Let's STOP Talking and Let's START Acting


Kenya has been facing severe droughts resulting in drying up of rivers and impacting agriculture. According to the National Drought Management Authority, in 2019 alone, 2.6 million people were affected by drought in Kenya. This situation is due to climate change and human actions like deforestation, urbanization, and overuse of water resources.


To overcome these challenges, rainwater harvesting is one of the most effective solutions. It involves collecting and storing rainwater for future use. This technique can reduce the strain on existing water resources, provide a reliable source of water even during times of drought, and improve water security in communities.

However, there are challenges to the implementation of rainwater harvesting in Kenya. These challenges include a lack of government funding, low awareness among communities about the benefits of rainwater harvesting, and lack of technical expertise in constructing and maintaining rainwater harvesting systems.

In some areas, the lack of government funding has resulted in poor implementation of rainwater harvesting. For example, in Kajiado County, the government constructed 16 water tanks for rainwater harvesting, but most of them are unused due to poor construction and lack of maintenance. In another example, the Kenyan government launched a $47 million project in 2019 to construct dams and water storage systems in drought-prone regions of the country. However, the project faced delays due to corruption allegations and has not been completed yet. The lack of awareness about the benefits of rainwater harvesting is another challenge.

The lack of technical expertise in constructing and maintaining rainwater harvesting systems is also a challenge in some areas. According to an article published by the Daily Nation in May 2021, the rainwater harvesting systems in Kisumu County are not properly constructed, leading to leakages and contamination. The article reports that some households have constructed rainwater harvesting systems using poor quality materials that easily break down, leading to leakages and loss of water. Additionally, some households use open storage containers, which expose the water to contamination from insects, animals, and dirt. Another article published by the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation in September 2021 reports that some households in Kisumu County have constructed rainwater harvesting systems without proper guidance and technical support. As a result, the systems are not functioning as intended, leading to water wastage and contamination. This situation leads to the waste of water and health risks to communities.

To address these challenges, the Kenyan government needs to prioritize funding for rainwater harvesting projects and ensure proper implementation and maintenance. Community education and awareness campaigns about the benefits of rainwater harvesting should also be prioritized. Additionally, technical support and training should be provided to communities to ensure proper construction and maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems. 

There are several successful examples of rainwater harvesting implementation in Kenya that have led to positive results. One such example is the RAIN Foundation's work in Makueni County, which has helped communities to construct and maintain rainwater harvesting systems. According to a report by RAIN Foundation, their program in Makueni County has resulted in increased water availability, improved crop yields, and improved livestock health. The report states that the program has constructed over 200 sand dams and other rainwater harvesting structures, which have enabled communities to capture and store rainwater for use during dry periods. This has reduced the reliance on distant water sources and has increased water availability for household and agricultural use. Another successful example of rainwater harvesting implementation in Kenya is the Taka Taka Solutions project in Kajiado County. Taka Taka Solutions is a social enterprise that provides sustainable waste management solutions, including constructing rainwater harvesting systems in schools and communities.

According to an article published by the Guardian, Taka Taka Solutions has constructed rainwater harvesting systems in six schools in Kajiado County, providing clean water for drinking and handwashing. The article states that the project has led to a reduction in water-related diseases among children and has increased school attendance.

Rainwater harvesting is a vital tool in the fight against drought in Kenya and the world at large. However, there are challenges to its implementation, including lack of government funding, low awareness, and lack of technical expertise. To fully realize the potential of rainwater harvesting in Kenya, the government and communities need to work together to overcome these challenges and invest in this crucial technique for water management. 

Together, we can prevent water scarcity and bring development to our country. May our current situation be our life's lesson...


Written by Alexander's mindke 

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John Omido,a victim of police brutality during the ongoing peaceful protest. In recent times, Kenya has witnessed a surge in protests, with ...